Library Rules and Regulations at Sanjeevan Medical College of Nursing.
Our library serves as a central resource center, offering a range of modern amenities like email and internet access. With an extensive collection of 2000 Professional Books, Medical Journals, Magazines, and Periodicals, it stands out for its depth and breadth. We continually refresh our collection with the latest publications and provide a variety of audio-visual aids, including slides and projectors, to enrich the learning experience.
Library Rules and Regulations at Sanjeevan Medical College of Nursing.
1. Silence and order must be maintained in the library at all times. Infringement of the rules will be suitably dealt with.
2. Any person who loses, defaces the book will be required to be charged at the ongoing rate, along with a fine. In case the book is one of a set or series, the cost of the entire set or series will be recovered if the lost/ damaged copy is not available individually.
3. Books/Periodicals required for occasional reference, including encyclopedias', rare books and journals are not to be issued.
4. Books borrowed from the library are not transferable.
5. Books will be issued strictly on priority of demand.
6. After having deposited the required security, students are allowed to borrow two books at a time.
7. Students may keep the books up to a maximum of 14 days. After that for each succeeding day that a book is overdrawn a fine will be charged till the book is returned to the library.
8. Every borrower shall be issued a Borrower's card which will be stamped by the librarian each time a book is issued or returned. If the card is lost, a duplicate can be purchased from the office on a payment of Rs. 20/-.
9. The Card placed in the pocket at the end of the book must be delivered to the librarian before the book is taken away.
10. All books must be returned to the library before the annual stock checking in June. Student who fails to return the book (s) will be charged Rs. 5/- per day per book, till the book is returned to the library.
11. Periodicals, Publications and newspapers for the student section of the library are placed on the tables. These must not be taken away under any circumstances. Cutting of items from newspapers/ magazines is also strictly prohibited.
12. The borrower must make his/ her own arrangement for carrying the books to and from the library.
13. All new books and journals will be kept in a separate almirah for a fortnight for comments and suggestions.
14. Current journals will not be issued till the time next issue reaches the library. Up to two journals can be issued to the teaching staff for overnight use.
15. Individual departments are permitted to maintain their departmental libraries of highly technical books of utility mainly to the department concerned. Additional copies of these books will be available in the Institution library. The departmental libraries will be open to all staff members.
16. Bound volumes of journals will be treated as books.
17. Books may be renewed on request at the discretion of the librarian.
18. Library timing is subject to variation depending on the requirements.
19. Personal belongings including books, bags etc. shall be left at the counter before entering the library.
20. Eating, smoking, having tea etc. are strictly prohibited in the library.
21. Creating any kind of indiscipline in the library will automatically lead to the cancellation of membership.
22. All requests/suggestions/complaints may be addressed to the teacher-in-charge of library.